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- ============
- As regular readers of comp.sys.amiga.advocacy know, certain topics
- come up for discussion regularly. This document, assembled by the finest
- Amiga minds on this side of Chickenmilk, Wisconsin, explains the answers
- clearly and accurately, so people don't have to argue about them anymore.
- SECTION I: Computer Performance
- ================================
- 1. Which is better/faster, 680x0 or 80x86 CPU's?
- Generally, the relative speed of a processor is found in the second
- digit of the model number. For example, the 68000, 68010, 68020,
- 68030, and 68040 all have an "8" as the second digit, so they are
- all roughly the same speed. Similarly, all the "80x86" processors
- have a "0" as the second digit. This implies that all 680x0
- processors are faster than their 80x86 counterparts. But everybody
- knows that anyway.
- 2. What does the "x" mean in "680x0"?
- The "x" means "extra fast". The 680x0 processor, to be released
- sometime in 1993, is the fastest processor ever made by Motorola.
- 3. What is a "SPECmark"?
- Every computer has bugs. Sometimes, one will escape from inside the
- computer case, so you have to catch it and squash it. The small,
- bloody stain made by the bug's smashed body is called a "SPECmark."
- Generally, SPECmarks can be removed by soaking your computer in
- warm, soapy water.
- SECTION II: Mine is better than yours, nyah nyah!
- ==================================================
- 1. Should I buy an Amiga or a Mac? ...or a NeXT? ...or a PC? ...or a goat?
- Deciding which computer to buy is a very personal issue. It is
- difficult to get two people to agree on the same brand, let alone
- the same model.
- Our panel of computer experts has come up with a sure-fire,
- failure-proof method for buying the right computer. Simply follow
- these steps exactly, and we guarantee that you will choose a computer
- with appropriate power and capabilities.
- (1) Make a list of the software packages you want to run.
- (2) Examine your finances, and decide how much money you can
- afford to spend. Suppose this is N dollars (or whatever
- units of currency you prefer).
- (3) Go to the bank and withdraw N units of currency.
- (4) Go to your local computer dealer.
- (5) Wave the N units of currency in a salesperson's face,
- yelling "I can get my computer much cheaper by mail order!"
- Then walk out, looking smug.
- (6) Go home, and put the money under your mattress, in a box
- marked "Money".
- (7) Mail me your home address, and tell me which days you will
- be out of town.
- (8) Later that night, make a human sacrifice to the god M'Bitu
- under the light of a full moon.
- (9) Stand on one leg, tilt your head upward, and yell
- "Vooshie vooshie vooshie" repeatedly until you get tired.
- (10) Say the word "SPECmark" to several computer-literate people,
- and then nod knowingly.
- (11) Ask someone else which computer you should buy. Better yet,
- crosspost to ten or twelve USENET newsgroups, asking people
- which computer is best. Remember to write "No flames,
- please" at the bottom of your article, and leave the
- "Followup-To" line blank.
- 2. Does the Mac OS suck?
- When the Mac was first introduced, it filled a void in the
- IBM-dominated PC market. Filling a void is analogous to eliminating
- a vacuum, so technically, the Mac does "suck" in that sense.
- The problem with this argument, however. Commodore's
- top-of-the-line Amiga 3000T has a 2-fan ventilation system and
- therefore sucks in a big way. This means that the "Amiga vs. Mac"
- argument is right back where it started, with the score tied 1 to 1.
- Rather than using this reasoning, it is generally safer just to yell
- "Macs SUCK" and then run away without explaining.
- 3. If fast PC clones cost less than an Amiga, why should anyone buy an
- Amiga instead?
- Amiga owners are a strange bunch. On the one hand, they are
- creative, knowledgable, and friendly. On the other hand, they
- are a strange bunch.
- Nobody knows exactly why people buy Amigas. Many famous researchers
- have puzzled over this issue for years, without success. The
- best-known theory was proposed by Professor Reginald Wanker of Snoot
- State University. His 415-page paper, entitled "The Phenomenon of
- Amiga Ownership Among the Tree-Chewing Gibbons of Antarctica" says,
- essentially, that Amiga owners are "a strange bunch" with "very long
- tails."
- 4. Which is better, Windows or Workbench?
- The consensus on USENET is that one of them is DEFINITELY better than
- the other. All of the evidence supports this belief, so nobody
- argues about it anymore.
- SECTION III: Commodore
- =======================
- 1. Who is Irving Gould?
- Irving started out as a simple janitor's assistant and rose to become
- the reigning czar of Commodore Business Machines. His annual salary
- is reportedly forty-five zillion dollars per hour. Nowadays, he
- spends most of his time playing with his CDTV and recruiting
- Marketing people in local wineries.
- 2. Why doesn't Commodore do XXX?
- Because it's illegal.
- 3. Commodore stock just went [up|down]!! Is this [good|bad]??
- [Yes|No|Maybe].
- 4. Why does the Commodore Marketing Department never advertise the Amiga?
- They DO advertise. Just not to humans.
- SECTION IV: Blatant Commercial Announcement
- ============================================
- <KABOOM!!> <CRASH!!!> <OGLI-OGLI-OGLI!!!!!!> What are those bizarre
- SOUNDS?!? Could it BE?!?! YES!!! Introducing...
- The most *compatible* game in EXISTENCE!! BLAZEMONGER 2.04 runs on
- ANYTHING: Amiga 500, 500+, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000,
- 3000T, CDTV... under EVERY version of the Amiga OS! Even TOTALLY
- 2.04 with NO DIFFICULTY!! Is your computer monitor broken? Is the
- CPU fried? NO PROBLEM!!! BLAZEMONGER 2.04 will run on ANYTHING!
- Heck, BLAZEMONGER 2.04 is so compatible it runs on TELEVISIONS,
- BLAZEMONGER 2.04 boot disk into your mouth, bite down HARD, and BOOT
- UP!!!
- Buy BLAZEMONGER 2.04 today at your local purveyor of "ViolentWare"
- products! Look for our special store display: a twelve-meter-tall
- statue of the Grim Reaper being run through a CHEESE GRATER into
- a VAT of BOILING TAR. Yum!!
- SECTION V: Religious Issues
- =============================
- 1. Which is better, C or assembly language?
- Both C and assembly have fallen out of style. Most serious
- programmers nowadays use a new language called "BLORT".
- BLORT lets programmers use whatever combination of languages
- they want, all mixed in the same file. For example, a typical
- BLORT program for "hello world" looks like:
- MODULE HelloWorld(defun write (x) (SAY #? > /dev/tty))
- {
- .KEY string/a
- while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
- begin
- MOVEM $r0 0x287BA9
- task body is accept stdout end;
- 128 FORMAT "%s\n"
- "hello world" << 128 when not Thursday
- exit 0
- Keeping with the humorous "GNU Software" tradition of recursive
- acronyms, "BLORT" actually stands for "Blort Lort Ort Rt T".
- 2. Is copy protection good or bad?
- Most companies nowadays agree that copy protection is bad. However,
- due to pressure from users who want the benefits that copy
- protection provides, companies have reluctantly added it to their
- products.
- Some companies who don't use copy protection have reported problems
- due to European "cracker" groups. These groups buy all the
- legitimate copies of the software, add copy protection, and then
- hide the disks in deep, underground vaults so nobody can use them.
- Obviously, this hurts sales -- when ordinary users go to the store,
- they discover that all the software is gone.
- SECTION VI: Other Questions
- ============================
- If you need the answer to a question, but it is not found in this
- document, look for the article "Frequently Unasked Questions" (FUQ) which is
- posted forty times a day in the newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.vapor.
- Special thanks to everyone who contributed information for this FAQ
- article: Denise Agnus, Ozzy Ozbourne, Richard Nixon, Linus Pauling, Phyllis
- Schlafly, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Bill Griffith, Alan Turing, Vlad the
- Impaler, Kimba the White Lion, and the BLAZEMONGER "Customer Service"
- Department.
- Dan
- //////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- | Dan Barrett -- Dept of Computer Science, Lederle Graduate Research Center |
- | University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 -- barrett@cs.umass.edu |
- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////////////////////////////////////
- Copyright 1992 by Daniel J. Barrett. All rights reserved.
- This article may be freely distributed, but may not be included in any
- publication without the written permission of the author.